domenica 17 gennaio 2016

Nebulae & Football

More than one universe exists? WOW! (Well...maybe).

The multilevel universe (multiverse) theory exists since 1984, when Mark Hucko explained it for the first time. You probably already knew that. Well, I found out last night with a great deal of fascinated surprise.
I love space and dreaming of “flying” out there, through clouds of gases and glittering dust, shining nebulae and crowded galaxies. I literally dream of it when I sleep. And of course, as a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. That was before discovering how much maths and physics are out there...the basis of it all, the laws that govern EVERYTHING. So, considering my “love” for these subjects, I decided I wouldn't be an astronaut after all. No problem, I can satisfy my space thirst with books and movies.

A few hours after seeing a shooting star right in front of me, there I was reading about this alternative cosmological theory. The truth is I accompanied my husband to the local bar to watch his favorite football team playing. I'm not really interested in football... so, why not use the time (a lot) to discover something so cool and new (for me)?

Basically what Hucko states is that our universe is one of many (finite or infinite we do not know),and when the SMET (space, matter, energy and time) is too much it just flows out into a lower level, creating another universe. Suppose we are inside the universe (well, we are actually): what we see is a black hole absorbing all the SMET. But from a different point of view – the new level universe – what we would be seeing is a big bang...the origin, the beginning of a whole new universe in fact! (Oh, by the way “our” Big Bang wasn't that big it seems!).
The great Stephen Hawking also supports this theory. Unfortunately the multiverse (also known as meta-universe) theory is not scientifically provable. But what makes it easily acceptable could be the fact that to justify the constant expansion of the universe there is no need to invent “special energies” or suppose “strange space forces” exist. The expansion is simply (if you can use this adverb talking about outer space facts) consequence of the SMET getting out of one universe and into another.
But, once again, it is still too early for scientists to prove this.

And while flying with my mind, imagining to be immersed in shining galaxies, foggy nebulae and being sucked by a black hole...I realized how every-day life with all the connected problems is absolutely nothing. Fond of this new “superior” and wise knowledge I seem to have caught, and sure I'll be using a different attitude starting from tomorrow, I'm shaken out of my thoughts by my husband : “I lost my wedding ring! Where is it?? I dropped it! Help me find it.” Mmm...I'm immediately active and scared he won't find it any more! How terrible,what bad could you have taken it off while watching the game?! Ok, maybe the superior feeling didn't take me up so high...
But maybe in a probable existing parallel universe my other husband wouldn't have lost his ring, and maybe he wouldn't even like football :P

Ok, ok. This is all just an excuse to share some beautiful outer space pictures captured by the Hubble (visible on Enjoy!

P.S. He didn't lose his ring, it was just a joke...

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